Camellia sinensis
Flowers have many stamens, with aromatic,
Flowers have many stamens, with aromatic,
Familia : Theaceae
Genus : Camellia
Spesies : Camellia sinensis
Plant name
Scientific name : Camellia sinensis
Synonyms : Camellia angustifolia, Camellia dishiensis
Common name : Teh
(Hidayat dan Abdurrahman, 2017)
Habit : Tree
Characteristic : Flowers have many stamens, with aromatic, thick and stiff leaves
Distribution : China, India, Jepan, Europe. Russia.
Benefit : Antioxidants
Location : Zone 2 of UPI Botanic Garden
Eurya japonica
Familia : Theaceae
Genus : Eurya
Spesies : Eurya japonica
Plant name
Scientific name : Eurya japonica
Synonyms : Eurya latifolia
Common name : Lokat
Habit : Tree
Characteristic : Serrated leaves with white inflorescences
Distribution : China, Java, Sumatra, India.
Benefit : Ornamental plant
Location : FPTK